Fingertip Staff Scheduling.

Our Products

We want you to free up your time and enjoy your working life with our product RotaBout.

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What is RotaBout?

RotaBout is a state-of-the-art fully functional mobile application with an easy-to-use interface, for you to manage your business more effectively from any location. Release yourself from manual rostering using a rich user experience; with factory provided accelerators to get up-and-running quickly.

What is Staff Scheduling?

Staff scheduling forms a significant proportion of overall costs in service and retail businesses. Staff costs are often the largest single expense. Payroll and related expenses can be over 30% of the operating costs. Even a small reduction in this represents considerable cost savings and differences to the organisation’s bottom line. Staff scheduling and engagement is a key element of management planning and operations leading to business success.

What makes RotaBout Different?

Staff scheduling and rostering has become increasingly important as business becomes more service oriented and cost conscious in a global environment. Optimised staff schedules can provide time-saving benefits to free up your time to focus on your core business. RotaBout has been targeted to solve this problem, and is an innovative and unique easy-to-use staff scheduling system on a rich Mobile Centric platform.

Mobile Centric

The key differentiator of RotaBout, is that it is mobile centric with a rich user interface using the latest iOS technology available. It is portable across all Apple phones and tablets, with rich functionality using finger tapping and gestures with minimal effort.

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Process Integration

RotaBout can be integrated into business processes, scheduling employees, as defined by business demand, to deliver vital business services. If employee resources cannot meet demand, then delivery can fail, if resources are over allocated, business costs are higher.

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Reduce Overheads

RotaBout can reduce overheads with effective staff scheduling, can improve engagement with employees, and reduce absences impacting sales or service and reputation, therefore maximizing employee utilization. It is also aimed at being fun, familiar and easy to use.

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The Functions of RotaBout

RotaBout represents an innovative way using "Fingertip Staff Scheduling". This will allow businesses to better schedule staff or manage staff shift rosters. RotaBout includes functions to allow handling of rosters (Rotas), allocating timeslots and shifts (Bouts), defining and assigning different roles or skills (Posts) and separate staff members against skills (Souls).


A Rota (or roster) is the main calendar view of the RotaBout application. It contains a set of Bouts (or shifts) with assigned Souls (or staff) with particular Posts (of roles), which is over a period of a number of days, which is typically a weeklong. This can be tailored to be any number of days, such as a day week or a fortnight for example. Rotas can be in draft or in published mode once completed and sent out to staff. Factory Rota templates are provided for typical businesses.


A Bout (or shift) is typically up to a 4-hour working period for one Soul (or staff), but this can be tailored to any period of time. Bouts can be created intuitively by directly tapping on the calendar view. Bouts are assigned to Rotas.

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A Post (or role) is tailored to the business. Posts are typically names such as Manager, Waiter, Barista, Chef, etc, which also contains a skill description. Factory Rota templates can also provide Post templates for typical businesses. Posts can be assigned to Bouts.

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A Soul (or staff member) is also tailored to the business. A Soul includes name, email, phone and an image. Souls can be assigned to Posts and Bouts. A factory accelerator allows you to import Souls from your contact names on your phone.

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Installing RotaBout

RotaBout - Fingertip Staff Scheduling - is a brand new iOS app which is currently on the Apple App Store.  This is available to be installed on all versions of IPhones and iPads.

How do I Get the App?

You can download the app free of charge from the App Store. The App is compatible with all versions of iOS including all iPhones and iPads. You can also create and publish Rotas for all of your staff free of charge for a period of 4-12 weeks. After this period if you can continue to use it by buying credits through in-app purchasing. Please click the icon below.

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How do I start using it?

To start using the app, it suggested that you take the following steps:

  1. Initial startup of the app including entry of the company and owner information
  2. Import of the provided Rota (roster) template accelerators, which includes Bouts (shifts) and Posts (roles). Templates for cafes, bistros, brasseries and sports centres are included.
  3. Import of your contacts from your address book to select your Souls (staff)
  4. Assignment of your selected Souls to Posts (Staff assigned to one or many Roles, such as Barista) 
  5. Create and name your first Rota from a template provided. 
  6. Drag and drop Souls (staff) directly onto Bouts (shifts) in the Rota.
  7. Publish the Rota, and automatically notify Souls with a PDF output attached to emails.
  8. Optionally, save this Rota as a template and reuse for future days.


How do I get support?

We are keen to help you use our product, for technical or user support, please contact us on

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In addition, general feedback is of great use for us. Please send us feedback to